Thursday, February 25, 2010

Snow Plow

Well, the goats were actually smart this time. It's not fit for man or beast out there. It's snowing like cats and dogs or whatever the winter equivalent is.

With that said, guess where Gus is? That's right. He's out in the snow using the tractor to plow paths to and fro . . .

He needs supervision.

Gotta go . . .


Wednesday, February 24, 2010

snow emergency

I got a memo from the goats.

"Due to inclement weather we won’t be working tomorrow."

Work? I still haven’t figured out why Farmer even lets those stupid goats live on the farm. Let alone what work they do.

Whether emergency.



whether men

I think they should call meterologists "whether men" because they just tell you whatever they want whether they are right or wrong. We were supposed to get 12 inches of snow. What we really got was 3 inches. Big difference.

I wouldn't know what to do if they called for a nice sun shiny day.


Monday, February 22, 2010


I've decided that I like toast much better than bread. Sure, they're basically the same stuff. But toast is so much better. It's warm. It's crunchy. It's buttery. And it's fun to say.

Toast. Toast. Toast? Toast!



Wednesday, February 17, 2010


Gus found out that John Locke has been lost on this island for six seasons. He said, "Even I could get found in six years. Sheesh!"

He might be right.


Last night they had mens figure skating on the Olympics. I just can't watch that stuff. It's like they're trying to make a contest out of art. Anyway, Gus started to flip around on the old remote control. He landed on some show about a bunch of people stranded on an island.

"Oh. Leave it here. This is Gilligan's Island."

Gus said, "Yeah, the three hour tour?"

So we watched. Forty five minuted in and I'm confused. Who is this John Locke guy?


Monday, February 15, 2010


Gus has watched the Olympics for the past few days. He's really enjoyed it. So much so that he's ordered skis off the internet.

What's going to happen when they show the bob sled?


Thursday, February 11, 2010

school books

The mail man delivered a huge box today. It had Gus’s name on it. Farmer dragged it down to the barn. Gus tore the tape off the box and looked inside with a smile.

“Whatcha got?” I asked.

“Correspondence school detective books. I’m gonna learn to be a private eye.” He said. “Yeah. I got two eyes so I should be able to charge double.”

It’s going to be a long weekend.


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

snow fall so far

We got a whole half inch of snow last night. Barely a dusting. Did Gus help shovel? Only if you count curling up with his blanket and not leaving the barn as helping.

I should have taken a picture.


Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snow Day?

Gus heard on the news tonight that we’re supposed to get a big snow storm tonight. The super smart weather guy said we could expect one to eight inches. With heavy winds to boot. Now Gus is in a panic state. He’s made seven trips to the silo to check on the grain and he’s been checking the hay mow every half hour. If he could drive (well enough) he’d have driven downtown and crowded the grocery stores with the little old ladies.

What am I going to do if the weather man is right and we actually get some snow?


Monday, February 8, 2010

Super Bowl

We had a little shin dig for the big game. We were rooting for the Colts because Roy was a big fan. The Goats brought some dip that tasted like . . . well, goat food.

Gus ate a whole bowl of Reese's Pieces. He hasn't felt well all day.



Thursday, February 4, 2010

Identity Conflict

At lunch today, Gus said, “You’re never gonna guess what I saw today. There was a great cartoon on. It was an Avatar cartoon. They were all running around with white hats and they had their tails chopped off, but it was great.”

I was pretty dumbfounded. “Gus, I think you are mistaken. That’s the Smurfs.”

He begged to differ. “Nope. Avatar. They’re blue and live in the forest.”

I wonder what’s going to happen when Gus catches an episode of The Snorks?


Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Is today ground hog's day?

Happy Ground Hog's Day. Good ol' Phil saw his shadow and gave us six more weeks of winter. Thanks.

Feel free to repeat this message . . .


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Ground Hog's Day!

Happy Ground Hog's Day. Good ol' Phil saw his shadow and gave us six more weeks of winter. Thanks. Appreciate it. The silver lining: Gus shut up about the blue people and started complaining about Ground Hogs.

Feel free to repeat this message . . .


Monday, February 1, 2010


Gus has been walking around all weekend with 3-D glasses on. Initially, I decided to just let him wear them . . . Saturday went by and then Sunday and then all day today he wore them. Finally I asked, "Gus, what's up with the glasses?"

"Avatar." He answered.

"The movie?" I asked.

"Yep. I'm waiting for those blue people to show up."

I really need some help people . . . really . . .
